German Dictionary

Translation of nerven

nerven to bug    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Tatsache, dass er sich den ganzen Tag lang Cartoons ansah, nervte mich.

The fact that he watched cartoons all day bugged me.
Frisches Gebäck beruhigte stets die Nerven der Baronin. Fresh pastry always soothed the baroness's nerves.
Das Enkelkind nervte die Großeltern den ganzen Morgen mit seinen Wünschen. The grandchild was bugging his grandparents the entire morning with his wishes.
leicht verärgert,nerven annoy; irritate
belästigen; nerven to annoy; annoy
die Nerven verlieren lose one's nerves
starke Nerven haben steely-nerved
nerven to annoy; bother
nerven to peeve

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I am happy that you are satisfied with your results! Of course I will come again. However, next time I would like to speak to each of the professors in advance to see what their need is.
By the way, Jeffrey and Brooke got married before the trip and this vacation was their honey moon. On the deck Jeffrey suddenly noticed that he had lost his wedding ring. It was probably in the bag.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nerven
nerve  nervst  nervt  nerven  nervt  nerven  nervte  nervtest  nervte  nervten  nervtet  nervten