German Dictionary

Translation of nordwestlich

nordwestlich northwestern    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Der nordwestliche Teil des Landes liegt am Meer.

The northwestern part of the country borders the sea.

Boston is kind of huge neighborhood, generally very friendly people and you may meet many people that you already know. So it is pretty easy to get used to and if you grow up there, you don't wanna leave. If you do, you are going to miss it terribly.
On the second day we drove around Los Angeles. We were totally jet lagged (and so were our kids) and we decided to take it easy on that day. We went to Rodeo Drive as well as Beverly Hills. Both our children slept during the entire afternoon.
Which region in Germany are you from? I live in Aarau in the state of Argau, that is in the middle of Switzerland not far from Zurich, Lake Zurich and near the border city of Basel.
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