German Dictionary

Translation of Ökosystem

das Ökosystem the ecosystem    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Die unterschiedlichen Arten in diesem Atoll haben sich zu einem komplexen Ökosystem entwickelt.

The different species in this atoll have evolved into a complex ecosystem.
Die Kurve zeigt die Entwicklung der Fischbevölkerung in diesem Ökosystem ab 1999. The curve shows the development of the fish population in this ecosystem after 1999.

Yesterday, I heard a very good example to explain my point: On their journey more than ten years ago, the presidential couple Mr. and Mrs. Clinton visited Egypt. They were welcomed by the president.
So the man and the woman are staing at the station, sitting at their table and tasting unknown alcoholic drinks, wishing they had the same feeling of joy that they had known before this all happened.
The reason for doing an excursion to Macau was that we had to catch a flight back to Thailand. Air Asia offered a ticket for 50$, while the same flight from Hong Kong would be over 200$.
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