German Dictionary

Translation of patrouillieren

patrouillieren to patrol    

Translation by Vocabulix


patrouillieren; seine Runde machen patrol

This website helped me learn French. Although most of the users intend to learn either Spanish, German and English some users come here to learn French. I met a few people that helped me with it.
In my last email to you i suggested that everyone has a tiny bit of racism in himself, not necessarily much, but definetely a little. Unfortunately, in this case, the information we get is wrong.
The days before I left to Mexico and Cuba I started to track the hurricanes in the region. September was not the ideal time to visit the region, but it fitted the best according to my previous boss.
More dictionary words nötig    nervig    möbliert    magersüchtig    leisten    kuscheln    konsultieren    klein    jeweils   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of patrouillieren
patrouilliere  patrouillierst  patrouilliert  patrouillieren  patrouilliert  patrouillieren  patrouillierte  patrouilliertest  patrouillierte  patrouillierten  patrouilliertet  patrouillierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of patrol   [ patrolled, patrolled ]