German Dictionary

Polizei in English

die Polizei  the police     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Polizei musste sich zurückziehen und reorganisieren weil sie in Unterzahl war.

The riot police had to retreat and reorganize because they were outnumbered.
Die Polizei benutzte Stöcke um die Demonstranten zu schlagen. The riot police used sticks to hit the demonstrators.
Das pornographische Material wurde von der Polizei beschlagnahmt. The pornographic material was confiscated by the police.
die Polizei rufen to call the police
Chef der Polizei Chief Constable
Polizei-Station police-station

The image seems so peaceful, calm and untouched. On the contrary, the topic is about death, brutality and the confrontation (the fight) between strong and week, between the spide and the moth.
I would not put the box on the front page, you have it in the menu. But, if you want to have links from within your main page, put regular links within the introduction text, directly to the Spanish page.
There were heaps of people in this area and we really had to struggle to get through the crowds. We drank a few beers and a couple glasses of wine and being totally tipsy Lili decided she needed to return.
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