German Dictionary

Translation of Preis

der Preis  the price     
der Preis the price    ; the prize    ; the award    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er beauftragte zwei Frauen damit, Miller seinen Preis zu überreichen.

He assigned two women to give Miller his award.
Wir brauchen einen Experten, um den richtigen Preis für unsere Eigentumswohnung zu berechnen. We need an expert to evaluate the right price for our condominium.
Preise für umfangreichere Projekte sind verhandelbar. Prices for longer projects are negotiable.
Preis-Lohn-Spirale; Lohn-Preis-Spirale price-wage-spiral; wage-price-spiral
Ankauf; Kauf (auf Rechnung); Preis, Einkauf, Erwerb purchase
Standard-Preis-Ansatz; (Grenzwert) standard-price-approach
konkurrenzfähig preis competitive price
Preis senken to bring down; to reduce
ermäßigter Preis cut-price

The image seems so peaceful, calm and untouched. On the contrary, the topic is about death, brutality and the confrontation (the fight) between strong and week, between the spide and the moth.
Thanks for the phone conversation. In the attachment, I placed a very brief overview of possible Spanish words that could be entered into the system for the vocabulary beginners lesson. Please have a look.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of award   [ awarded, awarded ]