German Dictionary

Translation of Preiselbeere

die Preiselbeere the lingonberry    ; the cowberry    
die Preiselbeere the cranberry    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Frische Preiselbeeren haben einen etwas nussigen Geschmack.

Fresh cranberries have a little bit of a nutty taste.
Fast hätte ich eine Wacholderbeere mit einer Preiselbeere verwechselt. I nearly mistook a juniper berry for a lingonberry.
Preiselbeere cranberry

My first stop was great. I went there by myself not knowing anyone. I hired a room for two nights and walked around the city. After I had moved to my second stop for another two days something strange happened.
Entire communities are blamed for a crime committed by one of its members. Wrong ideas could quickly be spread to other villages and there could be acts of revenge resulting in further mistrust.
Not worth mentioning. The next day we spent the entire day in the mall buying unuseful things, cheap Jeans of poor quality and again gifts for our friends. I remember buying swimming pants in the sports store.
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