German Dictionary

Translation of Presse

die Presse  the press     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nachdem sein Produkt landesweit schlechte Presse bekam, bat er um eine Kongressuntersuchung.

After his product received bad publicity nation wide he asked for a congressional inquiry.
Presse Werbung press advertisment
Presse de pers
presse press

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They are actually lovely hills and do not look threatening at all. That shows us that she actually loves her pregnancy and does not know what to do about it. One can really pitty this woman.
We considered staying a little longer in this region but the weather forecast foresaw heavy winds and lots of rain. We therefore decided to move on to our next destination which was the Peninsula Valdes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of press   [ pressed, pressed ]