German Dictionary

Translation of produzieren

produzieren  to produce     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Als sie die Süßigkeiten erblickte, produzierte ihr Mund sogleich Unmengen von Speichel.

When she saw the candy, her mouth presently produced a flood of saliva.
Die Traube braucht viel Sonnenlicht und wird gebraucht um Wein zu produzieren. Grapes need sunlight and are used to produce wine.
Das Albinonashorn produzierte mehr Adrenalin als die grauen Nashörner. The albino rhino released more adrenaline than the gray rhinos.

Please send me also some information about the conference that you are organizing. If you want material in electronic format, you can have a look at our website at: . Enjoy it!
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
In order to get to this hidden lake one would have to row beneath a cave. On the other side of the cave the five of us were alone. The lake was surrounded by limestone mountains covered with tropical trees.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of produzieren
produziere  produzierst  produziert  produzieren  produziert  produzieren  produzierte  produziertest  produzierte  produzierten  produziertet  produzierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of produce   [ produced, produced ]