German Dictionary

Translation of Rabatt

der Rabatt the discount    ; the rebate    ; the reduction    

Translation by Vocabulix


Rabatt; Preisnachlass discount; price deduction
einen Rabatt gewähren allow a discount
Erlaubnis; Preisnachlass; Rabatt allowance
Rabatt; Nachlass; Skonto discount
grosser Rabatt bulk discount
Rabatt, Nachlass discount
Rabatt; Abschlag discount
Rabatt quantity discount
Rabatt,Nachlass discount
Disagio, Rabatt Discount
Nachlass; Rabatt rebate
Rabatt discount

Writing autobiography in another language has some advantanges. You do not have to think to much about the story and you can concentrate on the foreign language. Spanish is very suitable for that.
The place was amazing and very interesting although tourists ruled here. At noon we continued to see a waterfall called Agua Azul, which means Blue Waters in Spanish. It was a two hour drive.
Police cars drove around the town and called all citizens and tourists to leave the island immediately. I was told, that the hurricane which was supposed to go over Cuba was on the way to us.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of discount   [ discounted, discounted ]