German Dictionary

Translation of räumen

räumen to clear    

Translation by Vocabulix


räumen, hier: abholzen remove, take away
räumen; hier: abholzen to clear
räumen, hier: abholzen clear
inhalt vob räumen contents
inhalt von räumen contents
räumen, abholzen clear

I hope you could understand my last letter to you. You see, when I write in Spanish I am not very confident. I always question myself and each and every sentence takes about fifteen minutes.
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
This province was only one mile away from China and one could see the border control. From there it was a bus ride up the hill, about an hour or so passed and we arrived at our final destination.
Do you know the meaning of? reizend    quasseln    postum    patzen    nötig sein    nervtötend    mögen    minderwertig    magisch    leiten   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of räumen
räume  räumst  räumt  räumen  räumt  räumen  räumte  räumtest  räumte  räumten  räumtet  räumten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of clear   [ cleared, cleared ]