German Dictionary

Translation of Rasse

die Rasse  the race     

Translation by Vocabulix


gebähren; züchten; die Rasse breed
farbige Rasse coloured race
Rennen, Rasse race
rasse race

They played a lot of music (very old fashioned music) and sold apples, cookies, cakes and many drinks. Having enjoyed the apple festival we went for a walk outside the village, meaning the woods.
Hemingway is trying to tell us a story about two people cannot fulfill their desires and needs, such as having free sex, drinking alcohol, spending the nights in bars and clubs and generally having fun.
I was the only one at the beach, as it was too early and all the party people were still sleeping. After that I hired a motorcycle in order to drive around the island. I never drove before that.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of race   [ raced, raced ]