German Dictionary

Translation of reiben

reiben to rub    ; to chafe    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wenn Sie das Kraut jeden Tag auf Ihre Schläfen reiben, entwickeln Sie eine Toleranz.

If you rub the herb on your temples every day, you develop a tolerance.
reiben rub; restregar; frotar
reiben, abreiben rub
reiben to grate

I hope you could understand my last letter to you. You see, when I write in Spanish I am not very confident. I always question myself and each and every sentence takes about fifteen minutes.
I have another small request: Is it possible that your webmaster sends us the loading html (the one that is displayed during the download of the large html)and the instruction of how to install it?
Swimming in the open water was refreshing and fun and some of us jumped of the roof of the boat into the deep waters. After another snack break the four of us were invited for a Kayak excursion.
Do you know the meaning of? putzen    polnisch    partout    nutzlos    nebeneinander    musst    messen    lösen    lehren    kugelförmig   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of reiben
reibe  reibst  reibt  reiben  reibt  reiben  rieb  riebst  rieb  rieben  riebt  rieben     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of chafe   [ chafed, chafed ]
Conjugation of rub   [ rubbed, rubbed ]