German Dictionary

Schnell in English

schnell Seine Reaktionen sind sehr schnell. quick     His reactions are very quick.
schnell quick    ; fast    ; quickly    

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Sample sentences:
Einige Reisende wünschten, die Fahrt möge ewig währen; andere wollten schnell ankommen.

Some voyagers wished for an everlasting trip, others wanted to arrive quickly.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich die Schatulle so schnell wie möglich loswerden musste. Intuition told me to get rid of the casket as quickly as possible.
Mit dem Placebo erholte sich das Gewebe der Patienten nicht so schnell. On the placebo, patients' tissue did not recover as quickly.
schnell; rasch; zügig fast; rapid; quick
Sie arbeiteten schnell They worked quickly
schnell essen (sl) to grab (food)
rasant; rasch; sehr schnell rapid
er geht schnell he walks quickly
schnell; rasch quick - quickly
rasch, schnell (Adv.) rapidly
schnell runter gehen pop down
schnell wachsend fast-growing

Although it is very cold, I love the fresh air there. After an hour and after finishing the getting dressed in warm winter-clothes I am usually ready for skiing. Normally I like to go out early.
We have an option of uploading an excel file. However, we do give this option only to institutions and schools. The other ideas may be given in the future too. Thanks a lot for a great feedback!
I had imagined my first dinner to be a little different, but I was already here and wanted to make the best out of it. So i ate there and return to my hostel at around ten o'clock at night.
Do you know the meaning of? neunzig    komplett    glücklich machen    erwarten    denken    begrüßen    acht    Woche    Verkehrsmittel    Tierheim   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of fast   [ fasted, fasted ]