German Dictionary

Translation of schuldig

schuldig  guilty     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Geschworenen ließen sich lange Zeit, bevor sie ihn für schuldig befanden.

The jury took a long time before finding him guilty.
schuldig; fällig; Gebühr, Lohn due
schulden; schuldig sein; verdanken to owe
schuldig erklären to convict
schuldig; schuldbewusst guilty
schuldig zijn to owe
schuldig guilty

Exactly on that weekend there was a traditional apple event which is celebrated every year by the people of this small town. Naturally, It was very nice to see it, to see farmers outside of the city.
No problem with the statement you sent me! They need to fill in some forms on the main page, which they will do tomorrow. Please send me all German lessons and guidelines for inserting the expressions.
We landed at the same airport were we have started our trip three weeks earlier (before continuing to Cambodia), however this time we would stay for two days in the city. We were back in SE Asia.
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