German Dictionary

Translation of schwingen

schwingen to swing    ; to brandish    ; to oscillate    ; to vibrate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Cowboy schwang das Lasso und fing den Stier ein.

The cowboy swung the lasso and caught the bull.
Anna kurbelte an der Winde, und das Segel schwang herum. Anna cranked the winch, and the sail came around.
Das riesige Pendel schwang vorwärts und traf Lara am Kopf. The giant pendulum swung forth and hit Lara in the head.

Everybody knows about the Indian summer which is famous for it strong and shiny atmosphere in the woods. That is why i wanted to see it too. So, last Saturday morning we left Boston and drove North-West.
The tour started soon and we first visited the ruins nearby, which was a ten minutes drive. A tour guide introduced us to each and every pyramid and told us stories about practically every stone.
That is great. Thank you for the support (and for the compliment). Recommendations by universities are always very appreciated, as universities are usually more selective about external resources.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schwingen
schwinge  schwingst  schwingt  schwingen  schwingt  schwingen  schwang  schwangst  schwang  schwangen  schwangt  schwangen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of brandish   [ brandished, brandished ]
Conjugation of oscillate   [ oscillated, oscillated ]
Conjugation of swing   [ swung, swung ]
Conjugation of vibrate   [ vibrated, vibrated ]