German Dictionary

Translation of spenden

spenden to donate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie bat uns, etwas für ihre Wallfahrt nach Altötting zu spenden.

She asked us to donate something for her pilgrimage to Altötting.
Die Buche war größer als das Haus und spendete uns Schatten. The beach was taller than our house and gave us shade.
Innerhalb einer Woche bekamen wir für SPACE fünf Spenden. Within a week, we received five donations for SPACE.

No image that each sentence takes so long and multiply it by twentyfour sentences which I had just written you in our last communication. That makes a total of three hundred sixty minutes.
We are currently processing the information that you gave us and I will get back to you in the middle of next week. If there are other Spanish language study materials we are always happy to get them.
At the moment we want to keep Vocabulix free. However, we recently added a donation button at the end of each lesson (by Paypal). You may donate 10$ after completing your next lesson. That will do.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of spenden
spende  spendest  spendet  spenden  spendet  spenden  spendete  spendetest  spendete  spendeten  spendetet  spendeten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of donate   [ donated, donated ]