German Dictionary

Translation of stammen

stammen to descend    ; to be descended; the stem    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Manche Tiere verbreiten ein stark reichendes Sekret, das aus der Analdrüse stammt.

Some animals spread a strong smelling secretion originating from the anal glands.
Die Ananas stammt ursprünglich vom fernen Osten. The pineapple originates in the far east.
ableiten von; herleiten aus; stammen von (to) derive from
herleiten von; stammen von derive from
stammen von; kommen von to derive from

I left the smaller regions out. Do you think they are important? There are some terms that are specifically used in Ecuador. Let's leave it as it is now. Time will show us within a few days if we need them all or not.
Please explain me the exact differences between British and American .... This year I'm trying to make the TOEFL. We can then discuss how we can prepare for this exam. I failed the first time.
The prices for one ticket for category number 2, in row number 15 is what I have told you on the phone (about $ 500 per ticket). Tickets are in block D5, with balcony, all tickets are side by side.
Do you know the meaning of? solidarisch    sich erinnern    schütten    schnippen    schießen    rundlich    reichen    pädiatrisch    populistisch    passend   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of stammen
stamme  stammst  stammt  stammen  stammt  stammen  stammte  stammtest  stammte  stammten  stammtet  stammten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of stem   [ stemmed, stemmed ]
Conjugation of descend   [ descended, descended ]