German Dictionary

Translation of Stoppuhr

die Stoppuhr the stopwatch    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Stoppuhr piepte, und die Runde war vorbei.

The timer beeped, and the round was over.
die Stoppuhr, Stoppuhren the stop watch(es)

I mean every thief becomes excited if he sees such a stupid tourist as I was. Some little children, I think that they were from xyz origin, came to me and offered me a newspaper and asked for money.
Moreover, these conception goes with generations, it is almost biologically inherited, they are path from parent to child. As a result the a child has similar believes as his father or mother.
In the evening we drove up to the Victoria peak and hiked on the trails around the main view point. The view in the late afternoon was spectacular and after sunset, with all the lights it was breathtaking.
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