German Dictionary

Translation of südlich

südlich south    ; southern    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Südlich von Hannover gab es früher ein großes Torfabbaugebiet.

South of Hannover, there used to be a large peat bog.
südlich, Süd-; Süden south
südlich, Süd- southern

I just got back from 3 very successful and intensive weeks in China. Sorry I couldn't help, but thanks for your interest. Maybe in the future we can study together with Vocabulix. Take care.
The place was amazing and very interesting although tourists ruled here. At noon we continued to see a waterfall called Agua Azul, which means Blue Waters in Spanish. It was a two hour drive.
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
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