German Dictionary

Translation of Trottel

der Trottel the idiot    
der Trottel the chump    ; the booby    ; the moron    ; the twit [coll]

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Trottel hat seinen Hut schon wieder verkehrt herum aufgesetzt.

The twit put his hat on upside down again.
Der Trottel weiß noch nicht mal wie man Nudeln kocht. That moron doesn't even know how to boil pasta.
Der Trottel hat schon wieder seine Scheinwerfer angelassen. That chump left his headlights on again.
Blödmann; Trottel jerk
Dummkopf; Trottel booby
Klumpen; Trottel clod

The poem hints that it will be a meal of brutality. We cannot understand this act of killing, the act of two little animals, we do not understand the 'why' of life and we do not see the power that steers all.
Language education is very important to me, because I really want to communicate with other cultures and people. If I could I would learn all languages: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and Italian.
We told the cabdriver the streetname we would like to go and he brought us there. This time the place did look like a three star hotel and we booked a night. I went to pay for the taxi ride.
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