German Dictionary

Translation of um

um I werde um zwei Uhr kommen. at     I will come at two o'clock.

Translation by Vocabulix


Um Himmels willen! for heaven's sake!; For heaven's sake; for heaven's sake
sich kümmern; sich sorgen um; vorsichtig sein to take care
Streit um dispute over; argument over; controversy over
sich bemühen um to try hard; make an effort
sich kümmern um; etwas erledigen deal with
sich kümmern um; jdm.pflegen to care for
das Wissen um/über the knowledge about
um Klärung bitten seek clarification
sich bemühen um to take trouble over
um Verzeihung bitten to express apology
um Erlaubnis bitten to ask permission
sich kümmern um to take carry of

Please send me instructions on how to integrate the "Verb Conjugator" on our website. One problematic difference that I see when comparing the Verb Conjugator demo to the default verb pages.
It can also be directed against a group of people who have anything in common, such as religion or being from the same nation. Being that it gives one the fake feeling of superiority and self-confidence.
The city was incredibly vivid and we were impressed by its size. We walked a lot through all the different neighborhoods, starting with Recoleta, an upper class neighborhood with its famous cemetery.
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