German Dictionary

Translation of unangebracht

unangebracht inappropriate    ; inept    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Es schien unangebracht, das Gesetz außer Kraft zu setzen.

It seemed inappropriate to override the law.
Seine frauenfeindliche Bemerkung auf dem Frauentagstreffen war extrem unangebracht. His misogynist comment at the Women's Day gathering was extremely inept.
plimp, unangebracht; ungeschickt; unpassend inept
unangebracht innapropriate

I left the smaller regions out. Do you think they are important? There are some terms that are specifically used in Ecuador. Let's leave it as it is now. Time will show us within a few days if we need them all or not.
What kind of music do you like? I am a classical music and rock fan, but not a techno fan. I believe that strange combination of tastes say a lot about a person. I certainly want to take art as a major.
I hope there were not too many mistakes here. I have learned Spanish not a long time ago and I am still very insecure! Tell me please, where do you come from and what you do?
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