German Dictionary

Translation of unwahrscheinlich

unwahrscheinlich unlikely    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Auseinandersetzung innerhalb der nächsten zwei Stunden beizulegen schien unwahrscheinlich.

Resolving the dispute within the next two hours seemed unlikely.
weithergeholt; unwahrscheinlich far-fetched; unlikely
unwahrscheinlich; merkwürdig; ungleich unlikely
unwahrscheinlich sein to be unlikely (to)
unwahrscheinlich adv unlikely
unwahrscheinlich unprobably
unwahrscheinlich unlikely

He also told me that he had build his scooter by himself. I could not understand how a doctor was able to build such a machine on his own. It seems that the circumstances made people capable of many things.
How could I get better in Spanish if I had to eat by myself. Impossible. The next days we always ate together and sat around the table for hours discussing politics and the lives we were living.
Luckily the town was small and the hotel manager could call all taxi stations. They checked it through their radios and an hour later the driver was back with our bags. He did not want to be paid extra, but I insisted.
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