German Dictionary

Translation of Verschluss

der Verschluss the fastener    ; the shutter    ; the seal    ; the closure    

Translation by Vocabulix


Verschluss; Verstopfung; Biss occlusion
der Verschluss (Tasche) fastening
der Verschluss (Halskette) clasp
Verschluss latch

I want to work on the country specific terms first, then do a revision of the words that we have entered so far... please give me a few days to finish it. However, I may need to contact you over the weekend, depending on my progress.
You can return the favor and help me too. We will acquire the new language together. I like to learn Spanish. Since high school, I have learned much more but it has been more than 20 years ago.
Should I call him in August? Will he know who I am? I hope that we will return to Italy in October, then we may take a coffee or a beer together, or we can even go to eat something small.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of seal   [ sealed, sealed ]