German Dictionary

Translation of verzieren

verzieren to garnish    ; to adorn    ; to decorate    

Translation by Vocabulix


schmücken; verzieren; garnieren adorn
schmücken; verzieren to adorn
verzieren to accessoirize; to trim
garnieren; verzieren to garnish

I've met the owner of Dessarmile, who has also already written you (after you came back from Thailand). However, he does not speak Spanish and therefore I do not think that they can be good friends.
In plural there is no difference between the formal and the colloquial address form. Do you mean that you are using 3rd person singular form for the plural imperative? If so, I will change all entries so far.
Thanks for the corrections and for accepting my friends request. You are completely right: Spanish grammar is simpler than German grammar. I was just looking for a job where both languages are required.
Check out these translations verschwommen    verkürzen    verbunden    unverletzt    unklug    unbeugsam    umfallen    titanisch    sumpfig    steigern   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verzieren
verziere  verzierst  verziert  verzieren  verziert  verzieren  verzierte  verziertest  verzierte  verzierten  verziertet  verzierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of adorn   [ adorned, adorned ]
Conjugation of decorate   [ decorated, decorated ]
Conjugation of garnish   [ garnished, garnished ]