German Dictionary

Translation of voraussehen

voraussehen to foresee    

Translation by Vocabulix


vermuten; voraussehen assume

In the meantime I am listening to some Spanish CDs. They are intended for the car, but no one can tell you when to listen to it, how many times and how often. Please understand that I work a lot.
Please respond as soon as possible and we will try to fit the best solution. Oh, and we definitely need to change the sentence!!! Some good thoughts you had. We will check the trick with the auto complete...
I put your lessons online. It gives you around 20 visitors daily at the moment. The lesson is shown only to specific users and only in the vocab builder section, as it is a trial. We see how it goes.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of voraussehen
sevoraus  siehst voraus  sieht voraus  sehen voraus  seht voraus  sehen voraus  sah voraus  sahst voraus  sah voraus  sahen voraus  saht voraus  sahen voraus     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of foresee   [ foresaw, foreseen ]