German Dictionary

Translation of vorlegen

vorlegen to present    ; to submit    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Berater hat dem Vorstand sein Jahresbericht vorgelegt und wartet nun auf Rückmeldung.

The consultant has submitted his annual report to the board, and is awaiting feedback.
eine Bewerbung vorlegen to submit an application
verschieben; vorlegen to bring forward
einreichen, vorlegen to submit

In the meantime I am listening to some Spanish CDs. They are intended for the car, but no one can tell you when to listen to it, how many times and how often. Please understand that I work a lot.
The short story 'Hills like white elephants' is a short story about a relationship between a man and a young girl, based on having sexual encounters. The meaning of this story is not immediately recognizable.
My wife joined me two hours later and everybody went to breakfast. The plan for the day was to visit a cave on one of the islands. We took smaller boats to get there as the ship was too large to approach the island.
Check out these translations verzögern    versichern    verleiten    verderben    unverwüstlich    unmodern    undankbar    umgekehrt    topologisch    symbolisieren   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vorlegen
lege vor  legst vor  legt vor  legen vor  legt vor  legen vor  legte vor  legtest vor  legte vor  legten vor  legtet vor  legten vor     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of present   [ presented, presented ]
Conjugation of submit   [ submitted, submitted ]