German Dictionary

Translation of weltweit

weltweit worldwide    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Marokko ist weltweit eins der beliebtesten Reiseziele.

Morocco is one of the most popular travel destinations worldwide.
Die Sünde, die reiche Länder weltweit bekämpfen müssen, ist Völlerei. The sin rich countries need to tackle globally is gluttony.
Die Glückseligkeit des Aikido wird von vielen Anhängern der Kunst weltweit geteilt. The felicity of aikido is shared by many of the art's disciples around the world.

In the meantime I am listening to some Spanish CDs. They are intended for the car, but no one can tell you when to listen to it, how many times and how often. Please understand that I work a lot.
And others are not, some of us are speaking (too) freely about it, without paying attention to what they really say. Some of us know how to restrain because we know that these feelings are malicious.
Once at the JFK I had six hours of stop over. That was plenty of time to think whether it was worth flying to Cancun or staying a few days in NY, waiting for the hurricane to pass. I called friends.
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