German Dictionary

Translation of Wohnzimmer

das Wohnzimmer  the living room     
das Wohnzimmer the lounge    ; the parlor    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Spinnennetze im Wohnzimmer zu entfernen war stets eine stressige Aufgabe.

Removing webs in the lounge was always a stressful task.
Das Sofa im Wohnzimmer erinnerte ihn an seine Koje auf dem Schiff. The sofa in the lounge reminded him of his berth on the ship.
Rose wollte nicht, dass ihr Dackel wieder ihr Wohnzimmer verwüstete. Rose didn't want her dachshund to wreak havoc in her living room again.
Wohnzimmer living room; sitting room
Wohnzimmer living room; living-room
die Wohnzimmer living rooms(1)
Das Wohnzimmer the living room
das Wohnzimmer living room(1)
Wohnzimmer Living room

The image seems so peaceful, calm and untouched. On the contrary, the topic is about death, brutality and the confrontation (the fight) between strong and week, between the spide and the moth.
In addition, after the tests I would like to give also a presentation to some of the teachers, as usually the different ideas come with the presentation. After speaking with them, some ideas emerge...
At the bottom a Jeep waited for us and it was only a fifteen minute drive uphill to get back to the village. We explored the village and went to have a coffee at some nice place around the center.
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