German Dictionary

Translation of Wolke

die Wolke  the cloud     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie brach die Mandarinenschale und verbreitete eine aromatische Wolke ätherischen Öls.

Breaking the peel of the mandarin, she released an aromatic cloud of essential oil.
Durch die Linse sahen die Wolken klarer aus. Through the lens, the clouds looked clearer.
Die rosa Wolken und der rosa Ozean sahen beinahe irreal aus. The pink clouds and the pink ocean seemed almost unreal.

The Institute is using the technology with great success, in the departments that I mentioned to you on the phone. Several universities in Europe are also testing it, but we cannot publish that.
The belief of somebody that a race or a group of people to which he belongs is superior to another. Even though the word itself stems from the word 'race', its meaning must be generalized.
We entered the vessel from behind and went to take a shower. I remembered why I am not a big supporter of long boat rides: One every room and facility is small and second you move all the time.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cloud   [ clouded, clouded ]