German Dictionary

Translation of Zusage

die Zusage the consent    ; the promise    ; the undertaking    ; the assurance    ; the covenant    

Translation by Vocabulix


Verpflichtung, Zusage commitment
Ehrensache; Zusage pledge
Zusage undertaking

I found the idea of having two health care systems disgusting. We entered the rooms of the local hospital and the images there were horrifying. I don't know why he took me there until this day.
The vehicle turned west towards the countryside and drove on Route MEX186 towards Escargera and then southwards. I fell asleep soon and had a very bad sleep, as it was colder than I had imagined.
We then went out to have a drink at a bar near the hotel. There were mostly foreigners at the bar. All in all, we had the impression that there were many Westerners living in the city which gave this mix.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of consent   [ consented, consented ]
Conjugation of promise   [ promised, promised ]