German Dictionary

Translation of Zypresse

die Zypresse the cypress    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Wenn die Abholzung wie bisher weitergeht, könnte diese Zypresse schon bald aussterben.

If deforestation continues at this rate, this cypress might soon become extinct.

Although I put my wallet in the front pocket of my pants it was not there. I had been so diverted by the aggressiveness of these kids that I did not feel it when they grabbed it out of my pocket.
Hemingway is trying to tell us a story about two people cannot fulfill their desires and needs, such as having free sex, drinking alcohol, spending the nights in bars and clubs and generally having fun.
One would immediately fall in love with Sapa. We checked in our accommodation which was clean and large rooms. We came just for breakfast and enjoyed the view of the surrounding hills from the terrasse.
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