German Dictionary

Translation of agony in German

the agony     die Agonie

Translation by Vocabulix


agony Höllenqualen; Todesangst
agony aunt Kummerkastentante
agony Qual; Todeskampf
agony Schmerz
agony Qualen

That's cool if we can arrange like this. I went to Europe last year, and I went to Germany as well, I loved it! What city are you from? I speak a little bit German but not very well (as you may see).
In addition I felt were uncomfortable with a ten year old girl rowing our boat while we were sitting like stupid tourists there. I offered to row myself and took the girl's rudder. She was happy.
The hill was not close to the village and we did not have a lot of water with us, so that we were happy when a Brazilian couple took us closer in their rented Jeep. We walked a little further.
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