German Dictionary

Translation of amend in German

to amend     abändern

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The statute concerning war crimes was amended again last Saturday.

Die Satzung über Kriegsverbrechen wurde letzten Samstag erneut geändert.
to alter; to change; to amend etw. ändern
to amend an invoice eine Rechnung berichtigen
to amend; to revise; to alter abändern
amend Wiedergutmachung(1)

I expect it towards the weekend. Will you by any chance be in Switzerland in the week from June 15 to June 19? Most importantly, I will ask you to send me your homework so that I can correct it.
I received your previous message. Sorry, I did not make the connection earlier, as I did not remember your company's name and have not met Jack Ulmani. You have probably received my address from Allan.
I boarded the AA flight to Cancun, and got there around two o'clock. It was my first time in Mexico. On the same night I had a flight booked to Havana, but I did not know whether I should take it.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of amend   [ amended, amended ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abändern
ändere ab  änderst ab  ändert ab  ändern ab  ändert ab  ändern ab  änderte ab  ändertest ab  änderte ab  änderten ab  ändertet ab  änderten ab