German Dictionary

Translation of amount in German

the amount     die Anzahl
the amount     der Betrag

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Payback of the total amount will be done in 12 monthly installments.

Die Rückzahlung des Gesamtbetrags wird in 12 monatlichen Raten erfolgen.
The compensation paid by the insurance was a petty amount. Die von der Versicherung bezahlte Entschädigung war ein geringfügiger Betrag.
The coronary found large amounts of black ink in the victim's bloodstream. Der Gerichtsmediziner fand große Mengen schwarzer Tinte im Körper des Opfers.
to amount to sth. auf etw. hinauslaufen; etw. betragen; zu etw. kommen
the amount(s); the lot(s) die Menge, Mengen
remit the amount den Betrag überweisen
amount to betragen; sich belaufen
amount Menge; Umfang; Geldbetrag
amount Menge, Summer, Beitrag
amount Menge; Umfang; Betrag
amount Menge, Summe, Betrag
amount Menge; Wert; Betrag

The problem with that room however was, that it was situated right opposite of a construction site and the noise was unbearable. Once again we asked to move and got a new room, this time with no windows.
In addition I felt were uncomfortable with a ten year old girl rowing our boat while we were sitting like stupid tourists there. I offered to row myself and took the girl's rudder. She was happy.
A little information about me: I am 33 years old and my wife Anna and I have 3 children. We live near Dortmund. I work as a train driver in the Deutsche Bundesbahn. Do you know Germany?
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