German Dictionary

Translation of Arab in German

the Arab     der Araber

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
When she used kohl, she looked like a beautiful Arab woman.

Wenn sie Kajal benutzte, sah sie aus wie eine schöne Araberin.
In some Arab countries the hand of a thief is hacked off without mercy. In manchen arabischen Ländern wird einem Dieb ohne Gnade die Hand abgehackt.
Arab League Arabische Liga
Arab; Arabic arabisch
Arab Araber; Araberin

Situated in the middle of Angkor Thom is the Bayon pyramid where the movie was filmed. We went inside and climbed up this huge and ancient structure. The pyramid displayed many faces carved into its stones.
Tam Coc was a place where the river ran through different limestone mountains. The view was amazing. However, the two hundred other boats on the river really destroyed the atmosphere.
All taxi drivers recommended that we stay in the hotel, watch TV, refrain from physical effort and drink Mate tea in order to get used to the altitude. We made the mistake and didn't listen to them
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