German Dictionary

Translation of arm in German

to arm     bewaffnen
the arm      der Arm 
the arm     die Waffe

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The laceration on his arm got infected during his hike through the jungle.

Die Fleischwunde an seinem Arm entzündete sich auf seiner Wanderung durch den Dschungel.
The manipulator's hat danced in his hand and rolled across his arms. Der Hut des Manipulators tanzte in seiner Hand und rollte über seine Arme.
Miranda felt snug and happy in Matt's arms. Miranda fühlte sich in Matts Armen geborgen und glücklich.
arm; business unit; division Geschäftsbereich
a broken arm/leg Arm/Beinbruch
to arm oneself sich wappnen
the arm(s) der Arm, Arme
right arm rechter Arm
left arm linker Arm
lower arm Unterarm
The Arm der Arm
arm (der) Arm

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For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
It was a two hour flight above the vast area of Patagonia. On the left side of the flight path there were mostly arid areas, some covered in snow. On the right side of the airplane were the mountains.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of arm   [ armed, armed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bewaffnen
bewaffne  bewaffnest  bewaffnet  bewaffnen  bewaffnet  bewaffnen  bewaffnete  bewaffnetest  bewaffnete  bewaffneten  bewaffnetet  bewaffneten