German Dictionary

Translation of aroma in German

the aroma     das Aroma

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The spicy aroma of the pecan is delicious.

Das würzige Aroma der Pekannuss ist köstlich.
The stinky cheese spread its aroma throughout her whole apartment. Der stinkende Käse verbreitete sein Aroma in ihrer ganzen Wohnung.
The wellness resort introduced the new aroma douche last spring. Das Wellness-Resort führte die neue Aromabrause letzten Frühling ein.
aroma; pleasant smell; scent der Duft
odor; smell; aroma der Geruch
to lose its aroma verduften

Then we went to a street where most backpackers would hang out as we wanted to make reservation for a trip that we planned for the next day. There were a lot of travel agents on that street.
Our bus was completely full and we were the only Europeans on our tour. There were also Americans and people from South Korea. The driver took us to a place called Tam Coc. He drove like an idiot.
The road was a really horrible, but the lakes and the surrounding woods were colorful and impressive. We drove for two hours through the forest towards San Martin de los Andes, but decided to turn back before it got dark.
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