German Dictionary

Translation of beam in German

to beam     ausstrahlen
the beam     der Balken

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She could hear a crunch inside the beam.

Sie hörte ein Knirschen in dem Balken .
to beam down at hinunterstrahlen
beam Träger, Balken
laser beam Laserstrahl
beam; to beam senden
beam (Licht-) Strahl
beam der Holm

In total we have 55,500 potential words. I know that is crazy. But we sorted them by the amount they were asked for. Then the words that are really missing and towards the end just stupid spelling mistakes.
I have three children, Michelle, Cathy and Joe. Unfortunately, my parents do not live in the area. I am glad that they visit every 2 weeks, although they are already over 70 years old.
I love sports in general and I play football. During the week I practice 3 to 4 times and during the weekend we play against other teams. We mostly win, because we have a great team.
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