German Dictionary

Translation of behave in German

to behave      sich benehmen 
to behave      sich benehmen 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She is very shy when it comes to meeting new people but she behaves totally differently with old friends.

Sie ist sehr schüchtern wenn es darum geht neue Leute kennen zu lernen, aber sie benimmt sich völlig anders mit alten Freunden.
In some industries businessmen have to behave like sharks and eat everything in their way. In einigen Industriezweigen müssen sich Geschäftsleute wir Haifische benehmen und alles was in den Weg kommt auffressen.
The way this dork is behaving he must be completely insane. So, wie sich der Depp benimmt, muss er komplett geistesgestört sein.
to behave sich verhalten; sich benehmen
to act; to behave sich verhalten
behave verhalten benehmen
to behave* sich benehmen
to behave sich benehmen

At the end of October my family will be taking a short vacation to Biron Bay north of Sidney. My wife wants to visit the coast. There are many good restaurants near Brion Bay with fresh seafood.
Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
Originally we planned to stay in Santiago for one day but due to her illness we prolonged our stay for two days. I walked around the city by myself, always staying close to the hotel.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of behave   [ behaved, bed ]