German Dictionary

Translation of brand in German

the brand      die Marke 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She advised me what brand of caviar and what kind of wine to buy.

Sie beriet mich, welche Marke von Kaviar, und welche Art von Wein ich kaufen sollte.
brand awareness Bekanntheit einer Marke; Markenbewusstsein
brand-new; brand new(1); brand new nagelneu
brand peronality Markenperönlichkeit
brand recognition Marktwiedererkennung
brand extension Markenerweiterung
brand management Markenmanagement
brand awareness Marktbewusstsein
brand builder Markenentwickler
brand loyality markentreue
brand Handelsmarke; Marke
brand name Markenzeichen

Everyone told me that I am crazy to take a small child on a road trip but I think it is the best age because babies sleep the entire day and they usually behave nicely in the car. Of course there are many exceptions to this rule.
The last sentence is the hardest in the entire series. Writing may bore some people, but it is considered the best training in language learning. It is a skill that can lift you from intermediate to advanced level. Do not neglect it.
Absolutely no problem, do you speak English? I'll help you to learn it and you will like it. Your English is really very good, I understand all your lyrics, and please accept my friends request.
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