German Dictionary

Translation of bride in German

the bride     die Braut

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He gathered a bouquet of mayflowers for his bride.

Er pflückte einen Strauß Maiblumen für seine Braut.
Painting the hands of the bride with henna is an Indian wedding custom. Die Hände der Braut mit Henna zu bemalen ist ein indischer Hochzeitsbrauch.
Traditionally the father of the bride will lift the veil in church. Traditionsgemäß hebt der Vater der Braut den Schleier in der Kirche.
the bride(s) die Braut, Bräute
to bride so. jmnd. bestechen
bride Bestechung(sgeld)

We decided according to whom we liked most and booked a trip for the next day. We looked for a place for lunch and found a restuarant called Pho 24, where they would serve soups for 24 hours.
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
A little information about me: I am 33 years old and my wife Anna and I have 3 children. We live near Dortmund. I work as a train driver in the Deutsche Bundesbahn. Do you know Germany?
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