German Dictionary

Translation of cleanse in German

to cleanse     reinigen

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
If your feces have the wrong consistency, try a flaxseed cleanse.

Wenn Ihr Kot die falsche Konsistenz hat, probieren Sie es mit einer Leinsamenkur.

There are about fifty families who are having very tight connections. Too tight in my opinion. It's like a small town in this aspect. Joanna though is very satisfied with the place and the atmosphere.
But I guess that most children are that way. Maybe there are a few children that really want to be educated, but I think that these children grow up to fast. They need to enjoy their childhood.
We went to visit the different markets starting with the bracelet market in Kowloon. Lili bought a few stones there. In the afternoon we visited the financial district which could only be reached by boat.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cleanse   [ cleansed, cleansed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of reinigen
reinige  reinigst  reinigt  reinigen  reinigt  reinigen  reinigte  reinigtest  reinigte  reinigten  reinigtet  reinigten