German Dictionary

Translation of cloak in German

to cloak     verhüllen
the cloak     der Deckmantel; der Umhang

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The magician's cloak hung down to the floor.

Der Umhang des Zauberers hing bis auf den Boden herab.
to cloak verhüllt

I am waiting for you from now. It's good to live in an other country for a while.I would also like to do it, but I have a son, he is 2 years old, and he needs his father. Wish you a nice day!
Anyway, back on the boat station we tipped the father and left. The bus was already waiting although we were the first ones to arrive. We had to wait nearly one hour until everybody was back.
The next day we had to take the bus in order to get back to the airport in Calama. When we arrived at the airport was empty and no counter was open yet. We had to wait for 4 hours.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cloak   [ cloaked, cloaked ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verhüllen
verhülle  verhüllst  verhüllt  verhüllen  verhüllt  verhüllen  verhüllte  verhülltest  verhüllte  verhüllten  verhülltet  verhüllten