German Dictionary

Translation of compulsory in German

compulsory     obligatorisch; zwangsläufig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He thought it was compulsory for a philosopher to be depressed.

Er dachte, es gehörte zu den Pflichten eines Philosophen, deprimiert zu sein.
compulsory gesetzlich; obligatorisch; zwingend
compulsory education allgemeine Schulpflicht
compulsory verpflichtend; vorgeschrieben
compulsory gesetzlich; verpflichtend
compulsory verpflichtend; zwingend
compulsory obligatorisch; Pflicht
compulsory zwingend erforderlich
compulsory subject Pflichtfach
non-compulsory Frei-, Wahl-
compulsory verbindlich

You're from USA right?! You are learning German too? Why? Do you want to go to Germany? I'm from Italy and I used to live in Portugal for a while. Now I'm learning in order not to forget everything I learned there. Are you working?
People on the bikes continued to drive around us although we were in the middle of the street. Supposedly this city has more than ten million inhabitants and more than three million bikes.
The next morning we got up a little later than usual. After leaving our room we recognized that this town and region was stunning. Desert and high volcanoes all around us. The place was superb.
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