German Dictionary

Translation of concerned in German

concerned     besorgt

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He was too possessive as far as acquisition of real estate was concerned.

Er war zu habgierig, was den Erwerb von Immobilien anbelangte.
She is a bit of a prude as far as erotic literature is concerned. Sie ist etwas prüde, was Erotikliteratur betrifft.
The query concerned an illegal case of polygamy. Die Erkundigung betraf einen illegalen Fall von Polygamie.
about (be concerned); for (like); for (look after) to care, 3
concerned; worried besorgt; besorgt, beunruhigt
to be concerned about sich Sorgen machen
be concerned about beunruhigt sein
concerned betroffen, interessiert
concerned; worried about besorgt
to be concerned beunruhigt sein
concerned betroffen; beunruhigt
worry (v); be concerned sorgen

There we saw a lot of these beautiful trees which I had heard about when I was back in Germany. We visited the folliage and saw some amazing lakes in the northern part of the state, different from the rest.
Everyone has the right to get a second chance, the option to live in reconciled circumstances. The environment has so much influence on us that we need to be aware of it even in very hard times.
The cemetery in Recoleta was worth seeing, although I do not like hanging around these places for too long. From there we continued to the market but found it boring so that we kept on going.
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