German Dictionary

Translation of containment in German

the containment     die Beherrschung; die Eindämmung; die Zurückhaltung

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The US asked for the containment of military presence in exchange for food aid.

Die Vereinigten Staaten verlangten eine Einschränkung der Militärpräsenz als Gegenleistung für Nahrungsmittelhilfe.

Probably we will make additions to our dictionary. I'll be available in January and in February, but not in March, because I'll be in the United States for about three months. About a week in New York, a week in Chicago and Detroit.
Yes, but I was unable to work on this yesterday, and today will be almost impossible too. Between tomorrow and Sunday you'll have quite a few more entries in the system. I just wanted to know how it is going.
Actually, the East Coast is six hours behind CET, that means that I would speak on midnight at your 6 o'clock dinner. We should try written exercise first because of the huge time difference.
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