German Dictionary

Translation of contentment in German

the contentment     die Zufriedenheit

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
It is important to foster contentment in senior citizens.

Es ist wichtig, bei Senioren Zufriedenheit zu fördern.

Anyway, we knew that we would return there too eat many more soups on our trip. When we left the place there suddenly started intense rain and we had to run for cover in order not get wet.
They were floating in self made tubs and rowed with sticks. When they reached our boat they tried to sell us beverage. We vigorously denied them access to our boat. It just did not help.
At the third or fourth guesthouse we finally took a room. Of course the hot water would not work, and luckily we were upgraded to a terrific, huge room with balcony and garden. It was a very charming place.
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