German Dictionary

Translation of contradict in German

to contradict     widersprechen

Translation by Vocabulix


contradict bestreiten; widersprechen; bestreiten
contradict; give another view widersprechen
contradict widersprechen

I hope you had a successful week in Las Vegas. I am trying to reach Brooke to arrange a second trial in 10 days. I will also bring you printed material about the Vocabulix, as well as the language files.
Good luck with your studies in February, say hello to Nina and a kiss to Rose. Enjoy the great first moments..., they are all unique and unforgettable. Being mama fits you great! Happy for you.
Usually we were not that picky, but we intended to stay in Buenos Aires for almost 10 days. On the first day we walked around the city center and did some shopping in the Florida passage.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of contradict   [ contradicted, contradicted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of widersprechen
widerspreche  widersprichst  widerspricht  widersprechen  widersprecht  widersprechen  widersprach  widersprachst  widersprach  widersprachen  widerspracht  widersprachen